李可见, 白青松, 尧俊, 汪迎利, 连辉明, 张谦, 何波祥, 蔡燕灵
摘要: |
木荷Schima superba 是我国南方常绿阔叶林的建群树种之一,也是重要的乡土阔叶树种、用
基金项目:广东省林业科技创新项目“重要乡土阔叶树种精选育种群体构建与利用”(2018KJCX015),广东省重点领域研发计划项目“红锥、木荷等大径材乡土阔叶树种新品系定向选育研究”(2020B020215002)。第一作者李可见(1986-),男,工程师,主要从事林业研究,E-mail: lelee213@163.com。通讯作者汪迎利(1970-),女,教授级高级工程师,主要从事森林培育研究,E-mail: wangyl@kllkj.net。 |
Research Progress on Cultivation and Utilization of Schima superba in China |
Li Kejian, BAI Qingsong, YAO Jun, wang yingli, LIAN Huiming, ZHANG Qian, HE Boxiang, Cai Yanling
Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture, Protection and Utilization/Guangdong Academy of Forestry
Abstract: |
Schima superba is one of the main forestry species of evergreen broad-leaved forest in southern
China, and it is also an important native broad-leaved tree species. With the continuous improvement of the
quantity and quality of wood consumption in my country, S. superba has received increasing attention in southern
provinces. In recent years, it is difficult to make new breakthroughs in traditional breeding methods, and modern
molecular biology-assisted breeding techniques have been widely used in forest 体育博彩平台排名 breeding, and new lightsubstrate
seedling techniques have also broken the constraints of traditional seedling concepts. This article focuses
on the growth characteristics, ecological and economic value of S. superba, and summarizes the research on
breeding techniques for its improved species selection, seedling cultivation, afforestation technology, pest control,
etc. At the same time, this article also points out the development bottlenecks and breakthrough directions in the
selection and breeding, seedling breeding and processing and utilization of S. superba in my country. Combined
with current research, it provides basic technical support for the development of S. superba seed breeding,
afforestation promotion and industrial processing of S. superba.
Key words:
Schima superba;evergreen broad-leaved forest;cultivating;utilization;breeding of improved variety